OnSendAppInvitationEvent: { timestamp: number; invitationUUID: string; invitedUserCount?: number; mode?: "everyone" | "panelists" | "individual" }


zoomSdk.onSendAppInvitation((event) => {
alert("app invitation sent");

Console log:

"timestamp": 946684800,
"invitationUUID": "UUID1",
"invitedUserCount": 100

Type declaration

  • timestamp: number

    In epoch format, time when sendAppInvitation was called.

  • invitationUUID: string

    The Invitation UUID returned by sendAppInvitation.

  • Optional invitedUserCount?: number

    The number of users to whom the invitation was sent. Not available to Webinar attendees.

  • Optional mode?: "everyone" | "panelists" | "individual"

    mode will be returned in webinar

    Mode Description
    everyone Invitation was sent to everyone.
    panelists Invitation was sent to all panelists.
    individual Invitation was sent to select participants.

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