VirtualForegroundOptions: { imageData: ImageData; persistence?: "save" | "app" | "meeting" }

Type declaration

  • imageData: ImageData

    ImageData object, limited to 15MB after encoding. We recommend using the resolution of your camera reported by onMyMediaChange

  • Optional persistence?: "save" | "app" | "meeting"

    The foreground image persistence (added in client version 5.11.6):

    • "meeting": (Default) Does not load a foreground; removes the virtual foreground when the meeting ends
    • "save": Loads the virtual foreground from disk when future meetings start
    • "app": Does not load a foreground; removes the virtual foreground when the Zoom App that set it is closed

    Note: The previous functionality of setVirtualForeground() is the same as "meeting" persistence.

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