LaunchContext: { origin: "Client Setting" | "App Launcher" | "ZMail"; section?: "thread-detail" | "message-detail"; openBy: "user" | "apiAuto" | "uiToggleAuto" | "deeplink" }

Type declaration

  • origin: "Client Setting" | "App Launcher" | "ZMail"

    Top level location where the app is open

  • Optional section?: "thread-detail" | "message-detail"

    Secondary location insides the origin When the origin is ZMail, section would be 'thread-detail' | 'message-detail'.

    thread-detail Indicates that the app is opened from the mail thread

    message-detail Indicates that the app is opened from the mail message

  • openBy: "user" | "apiAuto" | "uiToggleAuto" | "deeplink"

    user Indicates that app is opened by the user directly clicking on the app in the Zoom App launcher

    apiAuto Indicates that the app is opened by the use of an auto-open API

    uiToggleAuto Indicates that the app is opened by the user-selected action to auto-open the app on meeting start. This can be managed by the user in the menu next to the app name, and also under Settings > Zoom Apps > On meeting start

    deeplink Indicates that the app is opened by the use of a developer configured deeplink

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