GetMailMessageResponse: { subject?: string; body?: string; date?: number; from?: { email: string }; to?: { email: string }[]; cc?: { email: string }[]; bcc?: { email: string }[]; labels?: string[]; attachments?: { attachmentId: string; fileName: string; size: number }[]; headers?: { name: string; value: string }[] }

Type declaration

  • Optional subject?: string

    message subject

  • Optional body?: string

    message body in html

  • Optional date?: number

    receive timestamp in seconds

  • Optional from?: { email: string }

    sender's email address

    • email: string
  • Optional to?: { email: string }[]

    recipient's email addresses from to field

  • Optional cc?: { email: string }[]

    recipient's email addresses from cc field

  • Optional bcc?: { email: string }[]

    recipient's email addresses from bcc field

  • Optional labels?: string[]

    labels applied to this message

  • Optional attachments?: { attachmentId: string; fileName: string; size: number }[]

    message attachments

  • Optional headers?: { name: string; value: string }[]

    message headers

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