Type alias DecryptedAppContextResponse

DecryptedAppContextResponse: { typ: string; aid: string; chid: string; msgid: string; tid: string; of: string; trid: string; uid: string; mid?: string; ts: number; attendrole?: "host" | "co-host" | "participant" | "panelist" | "attendee"; bmid?: string; cid?: string; iid?: string; act?: string; iss: "marketplace.zoom.us"; aud: string; exp: number }

Type declaration

  • typ: string

    decrypted app context data

    the context type where the app is opened, could be 'panel', 'meeting', or 'webinar'

    New value for “typ” i.e. “chat” for chat apps. Introduced in v5.13.0

  • aid: string

    New field “aid” Action Command ID configured in build flow of the shortcut or the Button Action ID in the Interactive card. Introduced in v5.13.0

  • chid: string

    New field “chid” Chat Session ID. 'channel id' of channel or group chat or 'to user jid' of direct message chat". Introduced in v5.13.0

  • msgid: string

    New field “msgid” Message ID of the message from which app is launched. The developer can use it to retrieve the files/text/reactions from the Web API. Introduced in v5.13.0

  • tid: string

    New field "tid” the thread id identifies the thread in a chat. Introduced in v5.13.0

  • of: string

    New field “of” The feature from where app is opened/launched messageShortcut|interactiveCard|composeShortcut. Introduced in v5.13.0

  • trid: string

    New field trid i.e. triggerId, It is a unique identifier generated by zoom platform for every user interaction with chat app. triggerId is sent in the event payload sent to chat apps. Introduced in v5.13.0

  • uid: string

    string, the Zoom user id who opens the app.

  • Optional mid?: string

    string, the Zoom meeting uuid identifies the meeting in which this app is opened, only returned when value of 'typ' is 'meeting'

  • ts: number

    long, the create timestamp of this context

  • Optional attendrole?: "host" | "co-host" | "participant" | "panelist" | "attendee"

    string, host - meeting/webinar, co-host - meeting/webinar, participant - meeting, panelist - webinar, attendee - webinar. This role may change after app context is generated.

  • Optional bmid?: string

    breakout room UUID as returned by getBreakoutRoomList

  • Optional cid?: string

    collaborateId session identifier is passed when app is opened through invitation to collaborate, expires in 5 minutes

  • Optional iid?: string

    invitation id is passed when app is open through invitation, expires is 5 minutes

  • Optional act?: string

    action payload supplied in the deeplink, expires in 5 minutes

  • iss: "marketplace.zoom.us"

    string, "marketplace.zoom.us" the issuer claim will always be present

  • aud: string

    string, the audience is a string containing the CLIENT ID of the Zoom App.

  • exp: number

    the expiration timestamp of this context. Refer to advanced sample react app https://github.com/zoom/zoomapps-advancedsample-react on how to verify the app context expiry.

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