Type alias OnEngagementMediaRedirectEvent

OnEngagementMediaRedirectEvent: { MediaRedirectStatus: { accountId: string; engagementId: string; userId: string; action: "start" | "stop"; status: "success" | "fail"; failureReason?: string }; timestamp: number }

Type declaration

  • MediaRedirectStatus: { accountId: string; engagementId: string; userId: string; action: "start" | "stop"; status: "success" | "fail"; failureReason?: string }
    • accountId: string

      The account ID of the user

    • engagementId: string

      Unique Identifier of the Engagement

    • userId: string

      Unique identifier of the user

    • action: "start" | "stop"

      Call media redirection action

    • status: "success" | "fail"

      Call media redirection status

    • Optional failureReason?: string

      The reason why the call media redirection failed

  • timestamp: number

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