BreakoutRoomsResponse: { rooms: { breakoutRoomId: string; name: string; participants?: ({ participantStatus: "assigned" | "joined" } & BreakOutRoomParticipant)[] }[]; state: "open" | "closed"; unassigned?: BreakOutRoomParticipant[] }

Type declaration

  • rooms: { breakoutRoomId: string; name: string; participants?: ({ participantStatus: "assigned" | "joined" } & BreakOutRoomParticipant)[] }[]

    An array of breakout rooms with their names, UUID, and an array of participant ids. Owners get list of rooms and participants for each breakout room. Co-hosts and participants get only list of rooms.

  • state: "open" | "closed"

    Whether the breakout rooms are active or not

  • Optional unassigned?: BreakOutRoomParticipant[]

    Only meeting owners receive. An array of participants not in breakout rooms. Includes their displayNames and participantUUID.

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