Type alias EngagementContextBeta

EngagementContext: { engagementContext: { startTime: number; engagementId: string; acceptTime?: number; queueId?: string; queueName?: string; isTransfer?: string; transferType?: string; transferFromAgentId?: string; transferFromAgentName?: string } }

All the data in this object is valid and doesn’t change throughout the lifetime of the current engagement (until the engagement is ended for the current Agent/App).

Thus this API should be called only once per engagement when the application starts or this API is not necessary if the corresponding event onEngagementContextChange is handled by the App.

Type declaration

  • engagementContext: { startTime: number; engagementId: string; acceptTime?: number; queueId?: string; queueName?: string; isTransfer?: string; transferType?: string; transferFromAgentId?: string; transferFromAgentName?: string }
    • startTime: number

      The date when the engagement was first created in ISO 8601 format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'" or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss’TZD’

    • engagementId: string

      The engagement's ID

    • Optional acceptTime?: number

      The time when the engagement was accepted by the current agent

    • Optional queueId?: string

      The ID of the queue which the engagement is routed to

    • Optional queueName?: string

      The name of the queue which the engagement is routed to

    • Optional isTransfer?: string

      If the call has been transferred or not from a previous agent

    • Optional transferType?: string

      type of transfer: direct, warm

    • Optional transferFromAgentId?: string

      The ID of the agent who initiated the transfer

    • Optional transferFromAgentName?: string

      The name of the agent who initiated the transfer

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