SendAppInvitationOptions: { participants?: string[]; participantUUIDs?: string[]; messageText?: string; primaryButtonText?: "Open" | "Accept" | "Submit" | "Run" | "OK"; secondaryButtonText?: "Ignore" | "Exit" | "Close" | "No" | "Stop"; htmlPageTitle?: string; deeplinkURL?: string }

Note: The configuring invitation through sendAppInvitation API (messageText, primaryButtonText, secondaryButtonText, deeplinkURL and htmlPageTitle) is supported from client v5.13.10

If messageText, primaryButtonText, secondaryButtonText, and htmlPageTitle fields were customized, receiver will show customized text. The fields not customized will show default text as normal invitation dialog.

deeplinkURL: A reserved field, currently will be ignored by receiver side.

Type declaration

  • Optional participants?: string[]


    use participantUUIDs instead of participantIds

  • Optional participantUUIDs?: string[]

    List of participantUUID of the participants to send this app to (same as participantUUID defined in getMeetingParticipants()). A maximum of 10 participants can be listed.

  • Optional messageText?: string
  • Optional primaryButtonText?: "Open" | "Accept" | "Submit" | "Run" | "OK"
  • Optional secondaryButtonText?: "Ignore" | "Exit" | "Close" | "No" | "Stop"
  • Optional htmlPageTitle?: string
  • Optional deeplinkURL?: string

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