Type alias OnParticipantChangeParticipantType

OnParticipantChangeParticipantType: { status: "join" | "leave"; screenName: string; participantId: number; participantUUID: string; role: "host" | "cohost" | "attendee" }

Type declaration

  • status: "join" | "leave"

    join or leave

  • screenName: string

    Screen name of the user who joined or left the meeting

  • participantId: number

    Participant ID of the user who joined or left the meeting


    use participantUUID instead of participantId

  • participantUUID: string

    Participant UUID of the user who joined or left the meeting

  • role: "host" | "cohost" | "attendee"

    User's role: host, cohost, or attendee

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