Type alias EngagementStatusBeta

EngagementStatus: { engagementStatus: { engagementId: string; endTime?: number; state: "active" | "inactive" | "wrap-up" | "end"; channel: "voice" | "video" | "messaging" | "email"; source: "video_webVideo" | "video_inAppVideo" | "video_kiosk" | "messaging_webChat" | "messaging_inAppChat" | "messaging_facebook" | "messaging_whatsapp" | "messaging_sms" | ""; isConference: string; assignedAgentId?: string; assignedAgentName?: string; consumers: { consumerId?: string; consumerDisplayName?: string; consumerNumber?: string; consumerEmail?: string }[] } }

Type declaration

  • engagementStatus: { engagementId: string; endTime?: number; state: "active" | "inactive" | "wrap-up" | "end"; channel: "voice" | "video" | "messaging" | "email"; source: "video_webVideo" | "video_inAppVideo" | "video_kiosk" | "messaging_webChat" | "messaging_inAppChat" | "messaging_facebook" | "messaging_whatsapp" | "messaging_sms" | ""; isConference: string; assignedAgentId?: string; assignedAgentName?: string; consumers: { consumerId?: string; consumerDisplayName?: string; consumerNumber?: string; consumerEmail?: string }[] }
    • engagementId: string

      The engagement's ID

    • Optional endTime?: number

      The data and time when the engagement ended (after wrap up) in timestamp, valid only when state=end

    • state: "active" | "inactive" | "wrap-up" | "end"

      The current status of the engagment

    • channel: "voice" | "video" | "messaging" | "email"

      The channel which the engagement is currently in. The engagment channel might change if the engagement is upgraded.

    • source: "video_webVideo" | "video_inAppVideo" | "video_kiosk" | "messaging_webChat" | "messaging_inAppChat" | "messaging_facebook" | "messaging_whatsapp" | "messaging_sms" | ""
    • isConference: string

      if the call is a conference call or not

    • Optional assignedAgentId?: string

      The ID of the agent who is assigned with the engagement

    • Optional assignedAgentName?: string
    • consumers: { consumerId?: string; consumerDisplayName?: string; consumerNumber?: string; consumerEmail?: string }[]

      information about consumers

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