OnPhotoEvent: { participantUUID: string; videoOff: boolean; optedOut: boolean; timestamp: number; imageData: null | ImageData }


zoomSdk.onPhoto((event) => {

Console log:

"participantUUID": "xxxxxx",
"videoOff": true,
"optedOut": false,
"timestamp": 1655142791,
"imageData": {
width: 1234,
height: 3454,
data: ImageData,

Type declaration

  • participantUUID: string

    participant id of the participant whose photo is taken

  • videoOff: boolean

    true if the video is off

  • optedOut: boolean

    true if pressed Don't Allow or didn't respond

  • timestamp: number

    Timestamp at which the photo was taken

  • imageData: null | ImageData

    ImageData returned. null if videoOff or optedOut is true

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